Game Cover:

Yes, that is Sonny Joon on the cover of this game. It's been confirmed.
Teaser/Trailer: Click Here to see the teaser. The trailer hasn't been released yet.
Release Dates: Pre-ordering starts April 15th. Pre-orders ship & download on May 13th. Pre-ordering ends May 19th. It will be out in stores on May 20th.
Summary: (Courtesy of Herinteractive)
"No One is Immune to Sudden Death on this Reality TV Show! Ever since the Secret of the Scarlet Hand, the eccentric Sonny Joon always seemed a step ahead of Nancy Drew. That changes when Nancy and George travel to New Zealand and compete in the hit reality TV contest, Pacific Run. Sonny runs the show, but it's spiraling out of control. Are the mishaps the result of cheating competitors or something beyond this world? Win big to uncover the truth!"
So far it seems that Nancy and George win a spot on a survival reality TV show called Pacific Run and bring Bess along with them. The question is: How does Sonny Joon and the Shattered Medallion fit into that? Overall, it sounds kinda fun! Survival...
Screenshots: (Pics and Captions came from the Her Interactive website)
Characters: (Courtesy of Herinteractive)
Sonny Joon:

George Fayne:

Your good friend George Fayne is your teammate on Pacific Run. She is sporty and competitive and is excited to share upcoming challenges as a member of Team Tui.
Bess Marvin:

Although she is not officially on Team Tui as a contestant, best friend Bess Marvin has come along to support and encourage you and George on this adventure.
Patrick Dowsett:

This former rugby star player has the athletic ability to bring his team to an easy victory, but his head just isn't in the game. Has something else brought him to compete in Pacific Run?
Kiri Nind:

Team Tawaki's Kiri Nind is a fierce competitor on this reality TV show. Off camera she seems nice and may be willing to forge an alliance with you. Can you trust her friendly side, or should you be wary of her fierce façade?
Leena Patel:

Leena Patel, the other member of Team Kea, is a bossy overachiever. She is smart and skilled in solving puzzles, and is a stickler for the rules. If tough challenges arise, would you turn to her for extra assistance?
Key Features: (Courtesy of Herinteractive)
Other Info:
Herinteractive just released this image from The Shattered Medallion. It's the official PC Wallpaper and the field environment from the game.
This is all we know about this game so far!
Stay tuned for more updates!!!!
~ NancyDrewNerds
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