Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Analyzing the Trailer Part 1

Hello Fellow Nerds!

Today, we're going to analyze as much of the trailer as we can. So for you to know what we're talking about, you should probably go watch it...

Awesome huh?

Okay so, lets get this show on the road!

1. So the beginning starts with a girl's voice panicking and crying. The screen flashes between the outside of Thornton Hall and a drawing of Charlotte (the ghost)
"Jess? Jessalyn? This isn't funny, where are you? JESSIE?!?!"
We're guessing that the girl talking at this point is Addison Hammond. The girl that spent the night at Thornton Hall with Jessalyn. She's obviouslly looking for Jessalyn, so this is probably the first scene that you see in the game. (To show that Jessalyn has disappeared)
As for the flashing of the ghost drawing, (or something) we don't have any ideas as to what this is. Anybody have any ideas? We'd love to hear them! Perhaps it has something to do with a projector...

2. The next part is Nancy in bed picking up her phone. Savannah is the one that's calling. We know because Nancy says her name, and because of Savannah's easy to recognize voice. If you pause the video, you can see what's in the conversation box.
Nancy: "Savannah? Is that you? What's wrong?"
Savannah: "I've got a case for you."
So we can probably assume that this is a beginning scene as well.
Savannah goes on talking:
"There's been a kidnapping. Thornton Hall is no place for anyone that believes."
Again, this is accompanied by scene of the outside of Thornton Hall.

3. In this third part, Clara Thornton is talking to Nancy. Now the audio makes you think she says, "I'm happy we have another set of eyes looking for Jessie, but I do hope you know what you're getting into." If you pause the video to read the conversation box, that is indeed what she says. But Nancy's options to respond are:
"Who did Jessalyn come here with?"
"What do you think happened to Jessalyn?"

4. In the next part, Nancy walks up to white doors, opens them and sees a shadowy figure that does not look like Charlotte! (Who is this mysterious person?)

5. In this part, Nancy is in the cemetery looking at a statue of Charlotte, and saying "I saw something really strange. Nancy also talks to Wade in what looks like the cemetery (you can see Charlotte's statue in the background) He says audibly, "About the time Charlotte's ghost was driving the family away, the stories started to spread." However if you pause the video, he says:
"About the time Charlotte's ghost was driving the family away, the stories started to spread. Little kids around here started playing this game to scare themselves silly. They'd turn off the lights and say..." And we're cut off. But it might be: "Fire so red, Night so black, Dear sweet Charlotte please come back."

So that's a little bit less than halfway through the trailer. We'll finish the rest of it sometime this week.

~ The Nancy Drew Nerds

"Fire so red, Night so black, Dear sweet Charlotte please come back!"

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